
Will Messaging Swallow Email Whole?

Perhaps invigorated by the fresh air in Park City, UT, panelists aren’t pulling any punches at MediaPost’s Email Marketing Summit, on Tuesday.

As an email marketer, “You make in five hours what [your company’s social media team] makes all year,” said Spencer Kollas, VP of Global Deliverability Services at Experian Marketing Services. Boom!

Confident or not, Kollas and his peers admitted that the playing field is changing right before their eyes.

In particular, Facebook Messenger and other messaging services are threatening to make email a marginal medium. As an email marketer, “You’re going to be part of messaging,” said Keith Pape, VP of Marketing & Digital Engagement at One+K.

To that end, Jared Blank, CMO of DealNews, envisioned a day in the not too distant future when company’s employee a VP of messaging.

1 comment about "Will Messaging Swallow Email Whole?".
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  1. Randall Tinfow from CLICK-VIDEO LLC, December 8, 2015 at 5:51 p.m.

    Email and some many apps will be supplanted by chat.  In your chat contact list will be your HVAC system, lighting and security systems, auto, and anything you are authorized to access in your office building.  

    This is is starting to happen, but won't gain significant momentum until mid-2017, when communication protocols and interfaces have been developed for everything worthy of control, kids excepted.

    Chat is the new marketing battlefield.

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