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How Ad-Blocking Is Disrupting The Mobile Marketing Industry

  • Forbes, Tuesday, December 15, 2015 12:25 AM
Itay Levy of Teradata, writes that according to a 2015 Forbes study "there are a staggering 198 million people using ad blockers (on desktop). In the last calendar year, use of ad-blocking software grew by 42%, according the researchers’ findings, which characterize blockers as an “existential threat” to publishers. In the U.S. specifically, the use of ad blockers grew by 48% year-over-year. The rise in desktop ad-blocking usage – will mobile ad-blocking get adopted so fast as well?" Levy argues that marketers will need to adjust to the new iOS 9 Ad blocking changes. "Alternative marketing techniques will buffer the impact the introduction of ad blockers has on user acquisition and retention. Use the noted suggestions to come out on top. How do you plan to adopt your mobile marketing strategy to face these changes?"

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