According to ToutApp, releasing the results of a study examining the frequency and effectiveness of intra-team communication between marketing and sales departments within B2B organizations, found that among all marketers surveyed, 70% said that they want meet with their sales teams more frequently to review and discuss strategy.
Tawheed Kader, CEO and Founder of ToutApp, said “… organizations with aligned teams… where marketing and sales communicate frequently… experience higher year-over-year growth in annual revenue… marketers and sales need to step outside of their siloes… “
The overwhelming majority of those polled, 89%, deemed intra-team meetings “effective,” though there was room for improvement. 51% cited them as “moderately effective” versus 39% “very effective.” Only 11% of marketers called marketing and sales team strategy meetings ineffective.
“… for B2B marketers seeking to improve marketing outcomes and drive better results… it starts with sales alignment.. “ added Kader.
The top challenge preventing marketers from meeting with sales to discuss strategy is that marketers believe they “measure success differently” from sales. 25% picked this as the biggest hurdle, followed by “my company doesn’t have a system in place for regular meetings” (22%) and “our goals are different” (16%).
When asked to identify what they would like to discuss with sales teams the most, the top four focus areas among respondents were:
Kader concludes that “…even if sales and marketing have different priorities and personalities… they share a common goal – to increase revenue… facilitate consistent communication between the two departments… “
More information from Toutapp can be found here.