Bing Ads Updates Keyword Planner, Helps Marketers Review Impression Share

Automation continues to move deeper into search advertising platforms. Marketers using Bing Ads Keyword Planner in the U.S. can now add a landing page URL into the tool, allowing the Keyword Planner to automatically suggest keywords based on the page content.

The feature, which will eventually roll out into other markets, is part of an update to Bing Ads Keyword Planner released Thursday. It also offers an increasing amount of competitive insights and benchmarking tools. Combined with the search trends, the tool lets marketers review relative ad impression share for keyword suggestions, and compare ad impression share to competitors' domains, as well as the five top industry domains in a specific market. Home Depot, for example, can compare Lowe's Home Improvement and True Value Hardware.

Then there's the ability to customize ad group and keyword bids, and time-range customization of up to 24 months for keyword search volume. The update can now take look back up to 24 months, rather than 12 months. It provides insight through seasonality trends -- winter, spring, summer and fall.

Marketers also can change the bids at the ad group and keyword level, and then see the traffic estimates based on those changes. If the keywords have different bid amounts, the bid landscape graph will show the estimated performance and spend for each bid percentage change based on higher or lower cost per click in the Max CPC column.




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