Embeddable, It's The New Wearable

AUSTIN, TEXAS -- That’s what Doug Ziewacz, head of North America media and advertising for UnderArmour Connected Fitness, suggested during the OMMA SXSW “Internet of You” panel here.

During a session that showcased a wide range of bleeding-edge consumer media technology -- from Samsung’s wearables to Microsoft’s HoloLens --  Ziewacz said it isn’t really about the technology, as much as the consumer behaviors it’s augmenting.

He described it as “embeddable vs. wearable.” By embeddable, he didn’t necessarily mean the technology would literally be embedded in people, but that the technology would embed people into brand experiences.

This philosophy is what underlies UnderArmour’s brand, which is why the company is augmenting its athletic apparel with computer and quantified self technologies.

It’s all designed, he said, to “make it less difficult and take the friction out of the consumer’s journey.”
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