- Ofcom, Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:32 AM
Search engines remain the most popular source in the U.K. when looking for information online, and are the only source used by a majority of Internet users, according to a survey comparing Internet
use in 2015 with 2014. Some 92% participating in a survey said they used search engines when looking for information online, down 3% since 2014. Nearly 48% said they used Web sites with user reviews
such as Amazon -- up 9% respectively. Fewer Internet users said they used Wikipedia when looking for information online -- 44% in 2015 vs. 54% in 2014. Men are more likely than women to use Wikipedia
or YouTube, and to read reviews by critics and journalists in articles on media sites. Search engines are the only online source that a majority of Internet users consider to be "very important" for
finding information, according to a study that Search Engine Watch highlights.
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