
5 Things You Absolutely, Positively Must Know This Holiday Week (2017 Edition)

So -- just like I wrote right around this same time last year -- it's the week between Christmas and New Year's and we all know what that means for the advertising agency business. Nothing. Yes, nothing. Why? Because nothing happens during this holiday week.

Why? Because everyone save for a few lowly creatives and AAE's has left the building for fancy vacations, leaving you underlings to wander the halls, fool around on Facebook, hop on Houesparty, Snapchat yourselves from the bathroom stall and seek project approvals that will never come because, well -- everyone who can approve anything is out of the office. And no, the internet and the smartphone haven't changed this two-week slowdown one bit.

Which is why those of us who never have a day off (read Mediapsssst columnists -- or basically, any online journalist pumping out content for the daily grind) are left serving up space filler news items like "Five Advertising Execs to Watch in 2017" from The Wall Street Journal/CMO Today.

Creating an article that could have been written anytime in the last four months and just banked for publication during the holidays (as opposed to the
tireless, in-depth, investigative reporting I've been serving up this week), CMO Today's Alexandra Bruell and Suzanne Vranica serve up a new
crop of the usual suspects in the advertising game; Publicis Communications CEO Arthur Sadoun, Hearts & Science CEO Scott Hagedorn,
MDC Partners Chairman and CEO Scott Kauffman and, in a departure from previous year's columns focus on individuals, Female Creative Leaders on the Rise and Ad Holding Company CEOs  So if you're bored and have nothing to do, give it a read.

Or just go take a three hour lunch and expense it to your on vacation boss.
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