The percentage of ad buyers who buy radio and digital audio advertising via programmatic technology will nearly triple in the next 12 months, according to a survey of advertising and media-buying executives and radio industry professionals fielded recently by media technology firm WideOrbit.
Among those ad execs currently buying radio programmatically, 100% said they will either increase or maintain the amount of radio ads they buy that way over the next 12 months.
The survey -- which had nearly 9,000 respondents -- was conducted in April but is being released this morning by WideOrbit, a company whose roots began in trafficking media buys, but which itself is increasingly becoming a programmatic platform for transacting them.
Among the study’s key findings is that 87% of ad execs and media buyers plan to buy radio programmatically over the next 12 months. That’s three times the percentage -- 30% -- who said they currently buy radio that way. Only 13% said they have no interest in buying radio or digital audio programmatically.
Joe, the table says that only 30% of those who responded claimed that they buy "programmatic radio" and/or digital audio using "programmatic technology" while 57% do not but "would like to". That's where your figure of 87% comes from. I find it difficult to accept "would like to" as meaning "will buy" but, then this is a promotional survey with an astronomical sample size, suggesting that a lot of very, very small "advertisers" were included, and the respondents may not constitute a representative sampling, so why be picky---I guess.