
Santa. Satan. Get Them Confused And You May End Up With A Three-Headed Puppy

Yes, it is silly season again. That time of year when agencies try to outdo each other with zany holiday-related cards, videos and gift-o-meters of one type or another.

Anomaly is out with a totally wacky, irreveren, and creative new animated Christmas film called “Dear Satan.”

And they get an A++ for narrating talent—none other than acting great Patrick Stewart.

It’s about a kindhearted youngster—youngstery enough to still believe in Santa—who does what many kids do at this time of year. She writes Santa a letter. All she wants is a puppy for Christmas!

Just one little problem. She transposes the letters in the Great Gift Giver’s name and ends up writing to Satan.

What a clever idea.

Such an easy mistake to make, right? Especially for kids who often aren’t the best proofreaders in the world. It does prompt the question why her parents didn’t catch it, but that’s a minor suspension-of-disbelief issue. Something we all do for 90% of the TV entertainment we watch so why not here.

Anyway, I won’t spoil all the fun. Just watch the film, which you can do here.




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