
AT&T Takes Virtual Reality On Tour To Combat Distracted Driving

AT&T is tapping virtual reality in an attempt to cut down on distracted driving.

As part of its ‘It Can Wait’ campaign, the company created a VR experience for a nationwide tour of more than 200 locations.

The tour uses Samsung Gear VR headsets, featuring a memorial wall, a wall of keys representing lost lives and a wall of crushed car parts as part of the VR experience. Higher-profile events will feature Oculus Rift VR headsets.

Some sobering research added to the reasoning for the tour and the campaign.

Nearly 90% of people admit to using their smartphone while driving and nearly 40% call distracted driving a habit. The study is based on a survey of 7,500 drivers who have smartphones, conducted by Kantar Added Value.

Topping the list of smartphone activities by drivers is texting. Here are the smartphone activities people say they do while driving:

  • 81% -- Text
  • 64% -- Play music
  • 64% -- Take, view photos
  • 60% -- Email
  • 50% -- Access social media
  • 47% -- Surf the net
  • 36% -- Watch, stream videos
  • 31% -- Shoot a video
  • 28% -- Play games
  • 27% -- Video chat

Nearly all of those surveyed consider smartphone distracted driving to be dangerous. And that was before anyone experienced the distracted driving realities shown in the virtual reality experience.

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