Ad Industry Unveils 'Nutrition Label' For Data Transparency

Taking a page from the Food and Drug Administration’s packaged food nutrition labels, the ad industry today is unveiling the beta version of a standardized “data transparency label.”

The new label, which mimics the nutrition label look and style, was developed by the Association of National Advertisers’ Data Marketing & Analytics (DMA) division, the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Tech Lab, the Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM) and the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF).

The label, which mimics the look and style of the FDA’s nutrition label, replaces nutrients fields with ones disclosing the source, collection, segmentation criteria, recency and cleansing specifics.



The trade groups said they are seeking public comments on the proposed label for six months, and that they will create a centralized database to “house the label information, as well as an associated compliance program that will govern disclosure, certification and validation.”

The groups did not state how, where and when the label would be displayed on data products and services, but said interested parties can "test-drive" versions of the label at or within a variety of participating digital DMPs (data management platform) and DSPs (demand-side platforms).

The label’s fields of data include:

  1. Data Solution Provider and Distributor Information

Who provided the data segment, inclusive of contact information, for both data solution distributor, and where applicable, original data provider;

  1. Audience Snapshot

What audience segment the label describes, including both the provider’s branded audience segment name as well as the most relevant segment name from a new standardized taxonomy, a top-line audience description and applicable geographic coverage;

  1. Audience Construction

How the segment was constructed, inclusive of details such as audience count, any applicable modeling or cross-device ID expansion that may have been applied, audience refresh rates, and event lookback window for inclusion;

  1. Source Information

Where the original data components were sourced. Required for each significant data source, this component includes details on data provenance, data collection techniques, refresh frequency, and event lookback window.

2 comments about "Ad Industry Unveils 'Nutrition Label' For Data Transparency".
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  1. Marcelo Salup from Iffective LLC, October 1, 2018 at 10:58 a.m.

    Gimmicky but, who knows, useful? I think it tries to hard to imitate

  2. Ben Segal from RTB replied, October 2, 2018 at 7:37 a.m.

    This DMA and ARF initiative is a cool start to improving data transparency. Quality 3rd party data provider should be able to tell you the source, cleansing, enrichment, expansion and refresh frequency for any given segment. Would also be great to know if it's modeled or deterministic, and how audience and device expansion was processed.

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