Herman Cain Email List Used For Money-Making Offer: Report

Federal Reserve Board nominee Herman Cain has come under scrutiny over alleged use of his email list. 

Cain, recently appointed to a set on the board by President Trump, has turned his sponsored list into a “haven for scammy emails,,” says Money Matters, as quoted by "The Week."

Case in point: a recent email that promoted “Doug Casey’s biggest money secret.” 

“The same one he used to turn $1,000 into $800,000. You can claim access to that moneymaking strategy and many others for FREE but that’s not all…”

The authenticity could not be independently determined at deadline, but as shown, the email combines politics with a chance to get rich.  

Other emails warn about “a new socialist America.”

The secret email continues: “Doug challenges stale ideas and he agitates the “politically correct” so his contrarian style might come across a bit edgy when you read them.

But he REALLY knows the best ways to potentially make money, and today you can leverage his best money-making ideas so you can reach the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

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