Trump's Potential Supreme Court Picks Include Big Tech Critics

Big tech critics Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are on the roster of President Donald Trump's potential Supreme Court appointees if he wins a second term.

Trump released a list of 20 potential future justices Wednesday afternoon, in an obvious attempt to court conservative voters.

He also warned that former vice president Joe Biden, if elected, would appoint “radical justices” who “will erase the Second Amendment, silence political speech and require taxpayers to fund extreme late-term abortion.”

Hawley and Cruz have both publicly accused Silicon Valley companies of suppressing right-wing views. Many conservatives, including Trump, have accused tech platforms of discriminating against right-wing opinions, despite a lack of empirical evidence.

Last year, Hawley and Cruz called for the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the content policies of Google, Twitter, and Facebook.



“By controlling the content we see, these companies are powerful enough to -- at the very least -- sway elections,” the lawmakers wrote to the agency. “Companies that are this big and that have the potential to threaten democracy this much should not be allowed to curate content entirely without any transparency.”

Hawley has also repeatedly backed legislation that would curb web companies' legal protections for users' speech.

In July, the Missouri lawmaker introduced a bill that would require web publishers to avoid personalized advertising in order to maintain their protections from lawsuits based on users' content.

“Big Tech’s manipulative advertising regime comes with a massive hidden price tag for consumers while providing almost no return to anyone but themselves,” he stated at the time.

He also proposed last year that web companies should lose their protections from lawsuits, unless they treat content “neutrally.”

Hawley posted on Twitter Wednesday that he isn't interested in joining the Supreme Court.

“As I told the President, Missourians elected me to fight for them in the Senate, and I have no interest in the high court. I look forward to confirming constitutional conservatives,” he tweeted.

1 comment about "Trump's Potential Supreme Court Picks Include Big Tech Critics".
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  1. Tom Tyler from GCTVTexas, September 10, 2020 at 6:06 p.m.

    "Big Tech" has turned the web into a mass manipulation scheme, and it is certainly interfering in the election, as well as violating the First Amendment Rights of all who use search and social media. It's time to begin outlawing much of what they do.

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