
Would You Buy A Dildo With The Likeness Of This Man?

Sexual wellness company Dame, with help from agency Mischief @ No Fixed Address, has launched a limited-edition sex toy—a dildo bearing the face of Mitch McConnell, the Republican senator from Kentucky who helped engineer the fall of Roe v. Wade by working to reshape the federal judiciary and the US Supreme Court. 

It’s part of the company’s “Get F*cked By The Government On Your Own Terms” campaign, the premise being that the Roe v. Wade reversal pretty much f*cked all rational-thinking Americans.

All proceeds from the sale of the toys will go toward organizations fighting for the right to access abortion healthcare following the high court’s decision in June to overturn the 50-year precedent providing the right to women across the country to have an abortion.  

The price: $80, a nod to the 80% of Americans who believe abortion should be legal, according to a recent Gallup Poll.



McConnell’s role in this turn of events was diabolical and the outcome horrific for all women—they deserve the right to decide when and if to terminate a pregnancy.

But isn’t this approach a little…..icky?

Odd fetishes aside, what woman in her right mind would want to take a solo pleasure flight with the face of Prune Face Mitch for stimulation? Even thinking about it…What a mood-killer. Just saying. 

Alexandra Fine, Founder and CEO of Dame Products, stated: “In dismantling the critical right to abortion access, the government has f*cked America. At Dame, we believe our bodies are our own, and it is our choice to do with them as we please. This encompasses everything from pleasure to life-saving healthcare. So we wanted to engage in the discourse, raise funds, and have fun doing it. Pleasure is our guiding force and we need autonomy over our bodies in order to enjoy them.”

I stand by my previous statement. But heck, if Dildo Mitch catches on and raises millions in support of abortion rights than who am I to question success? Guess we’ll see.

Mischief @NFA and client created a website to help promote the toy which can be accessed here. The site also allows you to register to vote and, of course, get to know a little bit more about Dame.


5 comments about "Would You Buy A Dildo With The Likeness Of This Man?".
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  1. Clark Celmayster from Endeavor, October 5, 2022 at 8:51 a.m.

    I would opine that one of Biden should be created as well, but given his own cognitive state, its performance would be terrible, would be confused as to here it should be going and would need too many walk backs!

  2. Clark Celmayster from Endeavor replied, October 5, 2022 at 9 a.m.

    PS. according to PEW research ( an much more reliable source (yet still lib leaning) 61% of Americans say abortion should be legal, still a majority, so why use a Redbook funded Gallup poll unless you just looked for the one that best met their editorial agenda?? Or $61 wasnt expensive enough.

  3. Clark Celmayster from Endeavor replied, October 5, 2022 at 9 a.m.

    PS. according to PEW research ( an much more reliable source (yet still lib leaning) 61% of Americans say abortion should be legal, still a majority, so why use a Redbook funded Gallup poll unless you just looked for the one that best met their editorial agenda?? Or $61 wasnt expensive enough.

  4. Hal Brown from Delta Media, October 5, 2022 at 1:01 p.m.

    I am so sick of seeing political posts on MediaPost, what happened to reporting on actual Media, Marketing and Advertising? 

  5. Dan Ciccone from STACKED Entertainment replied, October 6, 2022 at 2:45 a.m.

    I would love to see the stats for Media Post's subscriptions and readership.  It is disheartening to see what was once a great resource for the media and advertising industry succumbing to such terrible tactics.  More and more left-leaning, right wing bashing commentary is inundating the pages and every day I open a newsletter, I just wait to see how low MP will go.

    Joe Mandese made an argument that his leftist views in RW&B was OK as that was its stated purpose.  Fine.  But seeing this garbage infiltrate other staff articles and the overt focus on anything that may position half the country in the worst possible light is getting out of hand.


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