
Imagine The Amazon Rainforest As A Vast Desert


Brazilian telecommunications company Vivo and its ad agency Africa Creative are out with a campaign called “Amazon Desert Rally,” designed as a stark reminder of the rapid pace at which large swaths of the Amazon Rain Forest are being destroyed by illegal logging.  

The launch film shows indigenous villagers practicing for the “rally” by racing around dry riverbeds as they tell of past generations of their families that used to fish there. 



The main message: The Amazon ecosystem could be destroyed if illegal logging isn’t stopped. The spot, with the tagline, “don’t sponsor this race,” encourages people to avoid purchasing products made from wood harvested from the region. 

The film—see it here-- was shot on location on the Rio Branco in Roraima. To amplify the message the visual arts studio Black Madre developed woodcut printed posters. Vivo invited indigenous artists to create interventions on the posters, highlighting the environmental impact of deforestation. The posters are being displayed at São Paulo’s Museum of Modern Art.  


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