
Dramamine, FCB Win Health & Wellness Grand Prix

A campaign from motion-sickness over-the-counter medication Dramamine and agency FCB Chicago has won the Health Lions Grand Prix in the health and wellness category.  

The campaign is anchored by a humorous  minidocumentary about the rise and decline of the barf bag—presumably because more people take Dramamine and don’t need to, well, barf as much when on the go. 

There’s a lot of talk about puking and a number of barf bag collectors, museum curators, flight attendants and others are interviewed to shed insights into the world of barf bags, which the documentary points out have declined in use and availability as Dramamine sales have risen.  

“Here’s one any collector would love to have,” says one interview subject, spotlighting an airline barfbag with the brand’s reindeer logo throwing up ice cubes.  

“Michael CeraVe,” the CeraVe campaign featuring Michael Cera that was created after rumors started popping up online that the actor was somehow connected to the skincare brand, was one of Gold Lions winners in the category.  

The other gold winners in the category included Buckaroo Footware, Saudia Airlines, UN Women and organ donor organization Paper Organs.  

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