Juicy Juice is partnering with influencer and “Dancing With The Stars” dancer/choreographer Lindsay Arnold.on a pledge to have kids devote time to outdoor play during the busy back-to-school season.
The children’s juice brand is calling on parents to sign up for their “Pledge to Play Outside” and commit to help kids “find time for fun outdoors” and sign up for an accompanying sweepstakes through Sept. 13. Prizes from Juicy Juice parent company Harvest Hill Beverage Company include a new backyard playset, and a year’s supply of Juicy Juice. '
"My daughter is entering pre-K this year and our schedules are about to become a whirlwind with school pick-up and drop-off, balancing extra-curriculars, and my demanding work schedule," Arnold said in a statement. "Even though it feels like we're always on-the-go, I try to remind myself that we live in a beautiful place, and we need to slow down and get outdoors. Fresh air does wonders for a family reset!"
In addition to promoting the pledge and accompanying sweepstakes on her social media pages, Arnold partnered with the brand on a series of messages sharing her tips for how families can spend more time together outside, like taking snack time outside, trips to the farmers market, and family bike rides.
"I try to teach the girls to appreciate the nature around us and we always have fun spotting new things on our rides," she writes. It's a great opportunity to get the kids outside one last time before our bedtime routine begins and it allows us to spend more quality time together."
The brand also partnered with other mom influencers, including Emily Breeze Watson and Kristen Fox, on the campaign. Additionally, Juicy Juice also pledged unspecified support for the nonprofit Kaboom, to aid the organization in its mission of promoting more equitable access to outdoor play space.