
The Definitive Omnicom/Interpublic Podcast

You've read all the headlines and news analysis of Omnicom's agreement to acquire Interpublic. Now listen to the definitive podcast, courtesy of Google's NotebookLM Audio Overview.

It's actually remarkably good, pretty insightful, and much more entertaining then my typical "Media3.0" column.

It was also created in just a few minutes based on a short prompt from me, using Omnicom's and Interpublic's most recent earnings call and their acquisition announcement call transcripts.

Full disclosure: I got the idea from the team at Giant Spoon, which recently sent me similar podcast highlighting the agency's top creative campaigns of 2024, which was a very creative use of a new and emerging technology enabling new forms of storytelling.



Kudos to Giant Spoon for moving fast on this new AI-generating tool. It definitely puts the agency in contention for MediaPost's Creative Agency of the Year, not just because of the execution, but for the substance of the source material it was generated from.

You probably saw my previous "Media3.0" column featuring a succinct, text-based analysis of NotebookLM's partnership with Spotify creating customized "Wrapify" podcasts based on each user's personal listening history.

I'm not sure why I didn't think of turning that one into a podcast myself, but I recommend all readers play around with this tool and see what you can get out of it.

1 comment about "The Definitive Omnicom/Interpublic Podcast".
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  1. Steve Schildwachter from Enterprise CMO, LLC, December 10, 2024 at 2:08 p.m.

    Dang... scary. The robot co-hosts perfectly nail "NPR voice". It's not very soulful (very little AI-generated content is) but its just-the-facts approach summarizes the situation well. Thanks, Joe, for not only informing but stimulating thought in the way you did this.

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