
Just An Online Minute... Get Cultured Like Yogurt With AICP And MoMA

AICP The Art & Technique Of The American Commercial, MoMA, New York
June 3, 2008

Blissful. Magnificent. Sparkly. Surreal. That was last night. The event went down at the Museum of Modern Art (or if you're punk rock, MoMA) and was flawlessly thrown by AICP, celebrating the Art and Technique of the American Commercial. It was a black-tie affair and I, without a black tie, did my best to blend as I trounced in between the gussied up crowd in my little Payless wedge sandals, toughened up against the couture intimidation.

After snapping a few pics and meeting Stewart Hendler, director and editor, and Preston Lee, executive producer of the Microsoft Zune "Music is Life" spec spot (both equally adorable), I settled into my seat and readied myself for the "true HD experience" promised by Matt Miller, president & CEO of AICP.

I watch more TV than is legally allowed in 35 states, so I was surprised when they rolled the reel that I hadn't seen some of these great commercials! It's weird to say that I enjoyed commercials, but writers, directors, editors, graphic designers, animators, and copywriters have hit the mole on the head when they deliver something you don't want to TiVo past.

I had no idea I could emote to a JCPenney commercial, but when that bespeckled little rug rat tossed a sidelong "how ya like me now" eyeball bomb at the neighborhood bullies as she peddled her materials in her little red wagon (crap, was it blue?) back home, I couldn't help but be instantly transported to my own shortest-girl-on-the-street youth where I wasn't half as crafty, but I was definitely double the ugly -- I shot out of the birth canal in owl-framed glasses, people. The Bud Light "Swear Jar" piece made me nearly pee my pants I was laughing so hard (and I don't emote in public "everyone laugh now" situations). scared and inspired me and gave me vertigo thinking about my days of unemployment. I never want a miserable job again... almost MORE than I never want to wash my clothes in the sink again. Shoot over to the AICP site and get your fill - don't forget the design and animation honorees. Oh yeah, and get your tissues on deck for Zune's "Music is Life" because, if you're passionate about music, this commercial could not speak what you already feel in any simpler terms. Really spectacular stuff that makes me wish I had more talents then my already honed Scrabble skills and rolling a perfect ball of meat.

After the screening, I hopped on the escalator and popped into a fairy tale. The MoMA sculpture garden was no longer covered in grass, but beautiful blades of sequined, satin, sparkling people. Fauxhawks and tight fitting blazers, the real deal Mohawks and Doc Martens, and a "Three's Company" knock-on-my-door orange full-length onesie (my favorite!) flittered around the buffet dinner (Meat! Tiny balls of mozz! Shrimp and pasta!) and leaned on tables of yellow and pink. The bartenders were all adorable wannabe actors and the wait staff that navigated the drunken advertising-heavy crowd were sweet and funny - delivering me the greatest platters yet.

Can you say miniature BLT sandwiches on bread stolen from Tinkerbell's dry storage? I can. Can you say handfuls of mini mahi mahi fish tacos? I can. Can you say horrific heartburn due to overindulgence?

I can.

Gawk at the full set of photos on Flickr. Beautiful people are easy to capture.

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