Jaffer Ali
Member since August 2001Contact Jaffer- CEO PulseTV
- http://www.PulseTV.com
- 7851 w. 185th Street
- Tinley Park Illinois
- 60477 USA
We are an online retailer that uses video to create a shopping experience for consumers. We inventory all our product and ship from our own warehouse.
Articles by Jaffer All articles by Jaffer
- Driving In The Rear-View Mirror in
Online Media Daily on
If you don't see that the online media ecosystem is in distress, then you're just not paying attention. Click-through rates, according to DoubleClick, have crashed, plummeted, descended (insert your description of abysmal failure here) to less than .1%.
- The Audience In The Media Ecosystem in
Online Media Daily on
In a media ecosystem, we have content creators, publishers/media owners, networks, agencies, advertisers and of course the audience. If the ecosystem is healthy, the audience eventually gets transformed into happy customers.
- A Brand's-Eye View of Behavioral Targeting in
Online Media Daily on
As click through rates, according to Doubleclick, have cratered at .1% on an industry average, everybody is looking for a solution to the performance crisis befalling our industry.
- Behavioral Targeting: Putting Lipstick on a Pig in
Online Media Daily on
The term "lipstick on a pig" has been used in one variation or another from the mid 16th century and used most recently by the Obama folks to describe John McCain's presidential campaign. The reference is to make something appear more beautiful than it really is or to make something useless appear useful.
- An Advertiser's Guide To Video Snacking in
Video Insider on
"Video snacking" is already a frequently invoked term in online video circles, despite some marked differences in how it's used. For example, while some use the term to describe the kind or length of video being consumed, others use it to describe a kind of random online behavior. This article defines video snacking as a behavior: what happens when we watch a video that we encounter by chance while surfing the Web, or when we receive an unsolicited video link forwarded from a friend, etc.
- When Will Major Brands Flock to User-Generated Video Content? in
Online Media Daily on
So when will major brands flock to user-generated content? With almost 100 percent metaphysical certainty, I believe that major brands will NEVER embrace the broad, generic industry of user-generated video. NEVER!
- Does Pre-Roll Video Change Traditional Online Media Buying? in
Online Media Daily on
The way that pre-roll advertising is bought and sold must be radically changed.
- Are Text and Context Ruling the Roost? in
Online Media Daily on
The hottest space in online advertising is search engine marketing. Google is about to go public and have a market capitalization that will be the envy of just about all online media companies this side of Pluto.
Comments by Jaffer All comments by Jaffer
- Driving Restaurant Visits: Where To Place Your Ad
David Shim
(Marketing Insider on
One of the most moronic posts and lessons you will find...as it suggests the future will resemble the past...and the author knows nothing about complex systems...in which our marketing environment is certainly an uncertain, complex system. Media owners love marketers to use LTV of course so they can charge more for their media.
- Avoiding The Truth: Dodging Reality Through Social Media
Gord Hotchkiss
(Media Insider on
Yes, we are predisposed to falsehoods...like Oswald lone gun theory...like the official 9-11 narratiove...like teh Gulf of Tonkin incident...like Colin Powell's UN performance...Like Iraqi babies thrown out of incubators... In WW 1, it was the false narrative of the Huns bayonetting babies that enraged Americans...How about Ulysses Grant's admission in his memoirs that Mexico did not attack the US... Social media is not the cause. Millions have died in the past based on fake news at the time.
- Why Having A Customer-Centric Business Model Will Always Win
Ross Andrew Paquette
(Marketing Insider on
You mean like Uber? Like YouTube? Tesla? Each delights consumers and yet is a boondoggle business model. This is a nice, pithy idea, but simplistic because a business model is more complex than reducing it to a single vector.
- Raising An Anti-fragile Brand
Gord Hotchkiss
(Media Insider on
Raising antifragile children would be a disaster...better to raise "robust" children. Antifragility is an amazing concept...and stress makes us stronger, but you lose a bit of humanity leading an antifragile life. Seeking convex payoffs in every relationship...every interaction...in every instance is truly a recipe for a life not worth living.
- The One Resolution That Matters
Kaila Colbin
(Media Insider on
Happy New Year to you! You remain one of the sane voices in an otherwise insane industry.
- The Chaos Theory Of Marketing
Gord Hotchkiss
(Online Spin on
Crisp thinking...Thanks.- Jaffer
- Who Moved My Digital Inventory?
Bob Garfield
(Garfield at Large on
Yes Ed, I was referring to digital media...sorry for the confusion.
- Who Moved My Digital Inventory?
Bob Garfield
(Garfield at Large on
Media is following what I term, "Moore's Law of Media"... with suppllies doubling every 12 months. Data is the new media (at minimum, "potential media"....we have alwasy been on both sides of the media equation, buying and selling...now we are BUYING...It has NEVER been a better time to be an online marketer. The media cartel (large owners) cannot hide supplies and can talk all they want about no avails, but this is hog wash. Unsold media is near 90%!
- Stephen Colbert In Search Of Self
Adam Buckman
(TVBlog on
Marlon Brando also received a similar notice when he played "The Godfather" in a non Paamount film.... Petty jackasses abound.
- Top 10 Bedrock Principles Built On Marketing Sand
Bob Garfield
(Garfield at Large on
uh...Bob, debt is texic...due to interest. The ancient wisdom traditions knew it. Long term debt is toxic due to compound interest. I am speaking for people with large mortgages. (see mortgage crisis). The notion that American households are not burdened with debt is not a sustainable thought...has nothign to do with politics...just ecoomic health. Student debt, credit card debt, mortgage debt....we haev an economy built on debt and that is not sustainable. Business schools are ashsole MBA programs that do not teach real business. MBAs are largely ignorant folks with diplomas...I would not look to them for guidance.
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