
It's Not Your Neighbor Calling

According to data from Hiya, neighbor scam makes up more than half of all unwanted robocalls in 2018, and neighbor scam has evolved from spoofing first six digits down to the area code.

“The Neighbor Scam is a tactic phone fraudsters use to mimic (also known as spoofing) the first six digits …

1 comment about "It's Not Your Neighbor Calling".
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  1. Tony Quart from Bizousoft, May 30, 2018 at 3:34 a.m.

    Thank you for sharing this information. I think I have read so many reports and complaints egarding these spoofing techniques at sites like since years ago. People should have been aware of these calls and just ignore them. That's the best bet we can do. Also, keep informing your family about these scammers and telemarketers.

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