For Gen Y Trust and Character Are the Top Brand Currency
    Millennials are passionate about companies who give back to the communities they serve. By this I mean both companies who contribute philanthropically and companies who foster goodwill by being transparent in times both bad and good.
    Loving The Mushy Stuff: The Success Of Tissue Box Marketing
    Once upon a time, tear-jerk marketing was reserved for coffee commercials that aired at Christmas and AT&T spots that made moms cry in the '80s. But today, tissue box marketing has broken out of its narrow demo, and is being used by a wide range of brands to appeal to not just moms, but young consumers who are proving that when it comes to ads and content, they love the mushy stuff.
    Brand Marketers Targeting Millennials Should Try Mom And Dad
    Millennials are sometimes characterized as a lazy, indifferent generation with a natural sense of entitlement. In my opinion, this could not be any further from the truth. However, one undeniable fact is that a large portion of Millennials is still supported by their parents in some way. In fact, a recent Pew Research Center study determined that about 21.6 million Millennials still live at home. That's over one-third of Generation Y, and it's a stat that marketers should pay attention to when trying to reach this elusive and sporadic bunch. If brands want to reach Millennials, the best way to …
    Shaken, Not Stirred: Millennials And The Craft Spirits Boom
    Despite the sluggish economy, the spirits industry poured on growth in 2012, and it's no coincidence that the number of distilleries across the U.S. is continuing to rise. Instrumental in driving growth were small-batch bourbons, whiskeys and single malt Scotches, plus innovations in flavor (think Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey and dessert-inspired Pinnacle Whipped Vodka). Last year alone, 81 craft distillers launched in the U.S., bringing the total to 315, and some forecasters predict there will be as many as 1,000 small distillers nationwide by 2021.
    Only 365 Shopping Days Til Christmas
    Down Under, as you probably first heard years ago on the playground, seasons are the reverse of America's. For example, in Australia, December falls in summer. Therefore, some Aussies celebrate two Christmases a year-one according to the calendar (i.e., on Dec. 25) and the other in July. It's not about swag-it's about snow. In other words, the tradition started for people who prefer their Christmases cold if not white.
    3 New-School Rules For Marketing To College Students
    More than 21 million students are reporting and returning to college campuses across the country this Fall, spending more than $30 billion on back-to-campus essentials like bedding, laptops, phones, clothes, school supplies and toiletries. Gone are the days of grabbing a lamp from the basement and a carpet from your sister's room!
    Think You Know Millennials? Think Again
    After years of talking about Millennials, sweeping generalizations and stereotypes about the generation are still ruling much of the conversation. But the reality, which we see here every day in our research, is that not all Millennials are alike. A group of 97 million people cannot be painted with one brush, and it's time to take a deeper look at who they really are. We segmented Millennials to get a better understanding of the differences and uniqueness that exists within the generation.
    Millennial Purchasing Decisions Must Make Sense For Them
    Millennials don't like cars! How many times has this statement been uttered in recent articles? You can just feel the panic starting to set in among automakers who are trying to figure out how they are going to capture the attention of the predominant demographic for the next 30 years. However, what auto marketers - and brands in general - should realize is that Millennials aren't a lost cause. The difference between Millennials and previous generations is that while Boomers and X-ers simply accepted the parameters of the "American Dream" - having a family, buying a house in the suburbs, …
    Attracting Customers Who Create Customers
    Millennials represent the fastest-growing group for travel spending and, according to American Express Business Insights, their spending grew 20% in 2010 despite the down economy and poor job market. While this is good news for airlines, destinations and hotels, effectively attracting Millennials requires a specific approach. And once you reach them, the real opportunity is to help them become your advocate and create more customers.
    The Millennialization Of Travel
    It's true: Millennials are more demanding than prior generations. This group of 80 million+ knows what they want, what they expect, and what they deserve when it comes to all aspects of their lives-and travel is no exception. As a Millennial with a passion for wandering the world, I can attest to many changing trends and behaviors. Of these, there are three key ways that "Millennialization" is affecting the way we all travel.
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