ABC News
Nate Silver, founder and editor in chief of data website FiveThirtyEight, has made his first predictions for election 2016. At this point in the race, Silver gives Hillary Clinton a 79% of being our next president. Donald Trump, in his estimation, has a 20% chance. In 2012, he called every state correctly in the general election and correctly predicted all but one in 2008.
Following the devastating attacks at the Ataturk airport in Istanbul, Donald Trump spoke in Ohio about the Islamic State, explaining that he would restart the practice of waterboarding. “You have to fight fire with fire,” and that he “like[s] waterboarding a lot. I don’t think it’s tough enough.” The torture practice was outlawed in the United States in 2006.
The New York Times
American Bridge, the opposition research group, is preparing research with which to attack the GOP nominee. With over 6,500 clips of digital video footage of Trump talking or being mentioned, the group will have much to work with. American Bridge first made its mark in 2012, where it released footage of Todd Akin, a candidate for Senate from Missouri, who claimed “legitimate rape” doesn’t usually lead to pregnancy.
The Huffington Post
The Democratic party live streamed debates on the party platform last week. While this gave amazing insights, a final document of policy prescriptions was not expected until days before the July convention. In fact, the DNC has decided to release the document to the public early, announcing: “We will release the updated draft as soon as it is complete. This version will be considered at the full Platform Committee meeting that will be held in Orlando on July 8 and 9.”
Hugged by two large white staircases, and a 1,711 square-foot screen overhead, the stage where Trump will accept the GOP nomination seems fitting for his bombast. Without saying whether the Trump campaign had any influence on the design, it was noted that the RNC and Trump campaign had been in touch over the matter. Convention CEO Jeff Larson spoke of the tight timeline: “We’ve never done this in less than five weeks, and we’re doing this just over, just at four weeks.”
USA Today
Following the release of the House Benghazi report, the NRA announced that it would spend $2 million to run a Benghazi-themed ad titled “Stop Clinton, Vote Trump.” Featuring a survivor from the terror attack that killed four Americans, the ad will run on cable and broadcast channels in Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton has said that she understands the difficulties some voters have in seeing her as trustworthy, one of her most damaging political flaws. She said that such a reaction is inevitable after “25 years of wild accusations,” against her. Clinton added, “I take this seriously, as someone who is asking for your votes, and I personally know I have work to do on this point.”
An 800-page report released today by the House Benghazi Committee presents the final committee findings on the circumstances surrounding American deaths in the Libyan city. While GOP lawmakers on the committee state that there is new information about the events, and how the administration and State Department approached the security issues, not many see how this report changes the dynamic around this specific occurrence.
Donald Trump continues to ramp up hiring for his lean campaign. Three new hires were announced this morning: Alan Cobb, who will work as director of coalitions, former Sen. Ted Cruz staffer Jason Miller, who comes on as senior communications adviser, and Michael Abboud, who joins as communications coordinator.
The Washington Post
In a recent round of presidential polling by The Washington Post and ABC, Hillary Clinton took a significant lead over Donald Trump. With a recent May poll showing Trump with a 46-44 lead, the gap has now reversed, with Clinton sporting a 51-39 lead. The poll showed that about two out of three Americans believe Trump is unfit to be president of the United States.