The New York Times
The Chinese town of Taiyuan has unveiled a statue of a rooster with uncanny Trumpian characteristics. His “golden quiff, bushy eyebrows and preening gestures” are all part of the rooster statue. The Chinese are preparing in 2017 for the Year of the Rooster.
President Barack Obama announced the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats as retaliation for the election hacks. Part of a greater set of sanctions, the White House announced the move barely three weeks before Donald Trump takes office. Putin responded by saying he will wait until Trump takes office to try and mend relations between the two countries.
CBS News
What political questions will be answered in 2017? Among the top 10: Which Trump nominees will be confirmed and which could be rejected? What will Trump and the GOP Congress be able to accomplish first? What will be the fates of the Republican and Democratic parties, as both poised for a serious shakeup?
The Washington Post
Sen. Bernie Sanders has joined other Congressional Democratic leaders calling for Jan. 15 to be a “Day of Action,” in opposition to any cuts to health care. “Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump after he promised not to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He must be held to his promises and should veto any legislation which cuts these vital and necessary health programs,” read a letter from the leaders.
Trump’s newly appointed Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that while Trump owes the media a news conference, his relationship with reporters won't be “business as usual.” Spicer told Hugh Hewitt that: “We’re going to utilize various outlets to continue the conversation. As you point out, he’s not afraid of anybody.”
Top Montana politicians from both parties, including the state’s Democratic Governor and Rep. Zinke who was selected by Trump as Interior Secretary, signed an open letter denouncing a neo-Nazi march planned for January. The letter read: “We stand firmly together to send a clear message that ignorance, hatred and threats of violence are unacceptable and have no place in the town of Whitefish, or in any other community in Montana or across this nation.”
Historians are seeing the rise of “racial amnesia” in the wake of Donald Trump’s Electoral College win. The argument being made explains that the rise of racism, sexism and religious bigotry is the last iteration of a long line of American citizens ignoring history or making it disappear altogether in some minds.
According to FiveThirtyEight, while there were very few voters who changed their opinion within the last few weeks of the election, their data shows a 0.9% change from Clinton to Trump. Looking at data from their panel surveys, they found that 0% of Trump voters moved to Clinton. The 0.9% change from Clinton to Trump would theoretically represent a 1.2 million vote change.
NPR News
On the "Axefiles" podcast, hosted by his former chief strategist, Barack Obama told David Axelrod he would have won had he run for a third term. He believes a majority of Americans would have rallied behind his progressive vision for the country. Naturally, Donald Trump, in a tweet, disagreed with the President.
The Hill
In a new poll conducted by Quinnipiac University released today, 59% of respondents said they thought president-elect Donald Trump should shut down his Twitter account. Only 35% agreed he should keep his account open.