The Washington Times
One of Trump’s most outspoken opponents during the GOP primary race, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, has said that he is willing to help the Republican nominee. “I want to be helpful. I don’t want to be harmful,” Rubio told CNN over the weekend. Rubio believes that Trump is the better alternative to a Clinton or Sanders administration, framed by his deep dislike for President Obama.
The Huffington Post
In another incredibly misguided pronouncement, Donald Trump has questioned whether there is actually a drought in the state of California. In its fifth year of drought, it is incredible that a leading candidate for president would cast doubt on such a widely accepted truth. Trump seemed to say that the water shortages were caused by the state government dumping water into the ocean, adding that if he wins he would “start opening up the water.” Whatever that means.
The Wall Street Journal
The US Chamber of Commerce will begin its “Save the Senate” effort today in a bit to raise funds for Republicans in close Senate races. The initiative is being led by open Trump supporters and those GOP lawmakers that have yet to voice their support. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham will spearhead fundraising for the push, while serving as honorary co-chairman of the Chamber.
The Washington Post
Donald Trump’s unconventional campaign plans to focus on a number of states where Republicans have historically not performed well. In his own words: “We have to win, and I want my energy to be put into the states where it could go either way." These include California, Ohio, Michigan, New York, Florida and Virginia, among others.
CBS News
A poll released yesterday shows a strong Clinton lead over Trump among middle-income voters in the states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The poll showed a 46-39 lead for the Democratic primary leader. Looking deeper into the results shows a division among demographic groups. Trump beats Clinton 44-40 among white middle-income voters, whereas Clinton holds a double-digit lead with women.
The New York Times
Earlier this week, the Clinton campaign decided that their candidate would not meet Bernie Sanders for a Fox News debate in California. The idea of Trump replacing Clinton to meet Sanders in a debate was brought up on Wednesday night on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," where Trump said that he would be open to debating Sanders if the revenues were donated: “If we paid a nice sum toward a charity, I would love to do that.” Other reports, however, question how serious he was about the prospect.
The Wall Street Journal
Donald Trump officially has the required number of delegates to win the Republican nomination at the party convention in Cleveland. Trump can boast support of 1,238 delegates, one more than needed for the nomination. The news broke as a few unbound delegates told the AP that they would support Trump at the convention.
The Washington Post
As we reach the tail end of primary season and approach the California contest on June 7, the two remaining Democratic candidates for president have been flooding the airwaves in California. Reflecting a tightening of the race there, the Sanders campaign announced a TV ad buy of just under $2 million, whereas Clinton will air new ads in Fresno, Los Angeles and Sacramento with an ad buy in the six-digit range.
Following backlash from conservative pundits and politicians, Facebook has decided to modify procedures for its trending topics section. While an internal review did not find any evidence of bias, the company has decided to institute additional guidelines and training to avoid cases of bias going forward.
A State Department inspector general report released today concludes that Hillary Clinton has not complied with the agency’s rules on record keeping. The report points to “longstanding, systemic weakness” in record keeping that “go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State.” The report does single out Clinton's use of private email, however, and shows that Clinton and top aides decided not to cooperate with the review.