The Washington Post
Voters 18 to 34 prefer Clinton (52%) over Trump (30%) in a two-way race. But when Johnson is factored in, many of those millennial voters opt for the Libertarian. Clinton still leads, with 34%, but Johnson draws 27% and Trump takes 23%.
The Washington Post
Tthe group Black and Engaged is focusing on the issues important to them, such as education, policing, immigration reform and developing strategies to hold elected officials accountable for addressing their communities’ needs. The sessions are purposely focused on local and state issues, which more directly affect people’s everyday lives.
The New York Times
The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. The endorsement read: “We’re aiming … to persuade those of you who are hesitating to vote for Mrs. Clinton. The best case for Hillary Clinton cannot be, and is not, that she isn’t Donald Trump.”
The Wall Street Journal
A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that 34% of registered voters believe that the three debates will be “extremely” or “quite important” in helping them make a decision on November 8. Almost a majority of Hispanic voters (49%) and of African-American voters (42%) said that the debates would be “extremely” or “quite important” to them.
The New York Times
Robert Pittenger, a Republican Congressman from North Carolina, told the BBC that the Charlotte protesters “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.” A few hours later he apologized for the comments.
The Washington Post
Speaking in Pennsylvania on Thursday, Trump spoke about college affordability, focusing on competing with Hillary Clinton on one of her major policy proposals. Trump said universities should use their endowments to help students with tuition and debt, instead of paying administrators or investing their money on their own.
Palmer Luckey, 24, has backed pro-Trump group Nimble America, a group that focuses on “shitposting” and publishing Internet memes against Hillary Clinton. The group has a strong presence on Reddit, and it’s goal is now to show that “shitposting is powerful and meme magic is real.”
The Huffington Post
During Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first speech to the United Nations General Assembly, he took the opportunity to address the issues of rising nationalism and fear-based politics growing around the world. In what many have said was a thinly veiled attack on Donald Trump, Trudeau spoke against those who use growing anxieties to stoke fear.
Progressive Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren made headlines earlier this week after grilling Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf about the fake accounts scam at the bank. During the heated exchange before the Senate Banking Committee, Warren didn’t let Stumpf get much on the transcript, telling him, “You should resign … and you should be criminally investigated.”
The Huffington Post
A recent poll taken after Trump’s acceptance of President Barack Obama’s American birth shows that most Republicans still can’t say he was born in the United States. A September poll prior to Trump’s announcement showed that 32% say he was born in the U.S., 46% saying he was not and 23% not sure. Following Trump’s quote, only 34% believe Obama was born in the U.S., 33% still believe he was not, and another 33% are unsure.