"The group's other area of focus - cross platform video measurement - will be addressed shortly," the organizers said in a statement released to the press on Monday.
Following its meetings with potential research suppliers, CIMM said it is taking new approach that would "foster a collaborative relationship with various data and technology providers to help identify and fund multiple projects."
CIMM said the deadline for submitting information for its revised request is Dec. 4th.
Among the questions being asked in the request are ones that would define TV commercial advertising exposure:
* How do you determine what program or commercial is being played or watched at any
given moment: Please address for:
1. Live viewing
2. Delayed viewing
3. VOD viewing
* Are you reporting on all commercial and program activity that appears on air? If not, how do you plan to do so in the future?
* How do you analyze and report on commercial vs. program data? Please include detail about pod, pod position, etc.
* Integrating and overlaying advertising
1. Do you enable users to overlay advertising schedules on your data? If so, how? If not, why not? Do you anticipate offering this option in the future?
* Categorizing viewers by
media behavior:
1. What is your methodology for categorizing ad-skipping viewers by media behavior?
2. What is your methodology for categorizing non ad-skipping viewers?
A logical decision. Measurement for today i.e. another black box, and for tomorrow, more likely an enhanced software based application.
The more important question with CIMM, is who is running the organization, and who is defining the goals besides the board members and NBC.