Turner Broadcasting's Device Agnostic Approach To Mobile

PARK CITY, Utah -- In the mobile marketing space, Turner Broadcasting's David Bronson said there is important competition among device makers to facilitate email and mobile video. BlackBerry may have led the way, but now the iPhone and Droid are "raising the bar."

"There's this healthy competition that exists across these different platforms, which I think is really significant," Bronson said, speaking at the Email Insider Summit.

And Turner's lead engineer said there remain opportunities for Samsung and Nokia to compete by doing things differently, and allowing platforms with applications "that are much more rich."

On the content side at Turner, Bronson said CNN's iPhone app has been successful.

Turner also has a multi-layered relationship with the NBA, which is committed to mobile marketing to the point that every team has released a mobile app.

And the league has developed tailored applications for the BlackBerry, iPhone and Droid.

Bronson said the NBA has the resources for that, but other marketers may not. So, zeroing in on a program that works across all mobile platforms should probably be a focus for smaller operations.

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