Mag Bag: Bonnier and CP+B Brainstorm iPad Ads


Bonnier and CP+B Brainstorm iPad Ads

Searching for the most effective way of advertising with the iPad, Bonnier Corp. is joining forces with ad agency Crispin, Porter + Bogusky to develop innovative digital advertising formats for tablet magazines. 

Vowing to create "all-new advertising for all-new advertising platforms," the companies will begin by researching the specific needs and preferences of consumers, publishers and advertisers. CP+B will then create a portfolio of new ad formats which Bonnier Corp. hopes to introduce through its Mag+ digital publishing platform by late spring 2011.

Bonnier was among the first major consumer magazine publishers to create digital editions tailored to Apple's popular new tablet computer. Now publishing 11 titles internationally, the Mag+ platform launched in April 2010 with Popular Science, which will also be the first title to integrate new ad formats developed by CP+B.

A recent survey from Knowledge Networks found that 86% of iPad owners would be willing to see an ad in return for free access to content, including TV shows and articles from magazines and newspapers. That compares with just 13% who said they would be willing to pay for this type of content if they already have access to it elsewhere.

These figures are roughly in line with the results of a custom survey of iPad owners by Nielsen released in September 2010. Nielsen found that 57% of iPad owners said they don't mind advertising if it means they get content for free. Thirty-five percent of iPad owners told Nielsen they actually "enjoy viewing ads" on their iPads (compared to just 17% for all such devices, including other tablet computers and e-readers).

Publishing Group of America Grew in 2010

The Publishing Group of America, which produces newspaper-distributed magazines including American Profile, Relish, and Spry, outperformed the consumer magazine business overall in 2010, with total ad pages growing 11.1%, according to the Publishers Information Bureau. That compares with an overall decrease of 0.4% for the industry as a whole. This increase was based on strong results at American Profile, where ad pages were up 14.3%; Relish, up 9.5%; and Spry, up 1.1%. Earlier this month, American Profile increased its rate base from 10 million to 10.25 million, while Spry increased from 8.5 million to 9 million.

Riley Scales Heights At Climbing, Urban Climber

Kevin Riley has been promoted from advertising sales manager to associate publisher for Climbing and Urban Climber magazines, with responsibility for management of ad sales and events for both the print and online products. He will continue to report to Kent Ebersole, group publisher of Active Interest Media's Outdoor Group, which publishes the enthusiast titles.

Source Interlink Promotes Bode

John Bode has been promoted from his previous role as senior vice president of corporate strategy and finance to executive vice president and CFO at Source, one of the largest publishers of magazines and online content for enthusiast audiences. In his prior position, Bode was responsible for overseeing the divestiture of Source's CD and DVD distribution division, as well as the acquisition of

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