
Evening Is Prime Time For Tablet Viewing: 1/3 Of Videos Watched In Evening On Tablets

Video viewing on tablets peaks in the evenings and also perks back up in the early mornings, while desktop viewing is strong during the day, suggesting that consumers are finding room in their lives to switch screens as they move about their day. The latest research from online video technology firm Ooyala has found that video plays on iPads, which slow down overnight, kick back up around 7 a.m. then trickle off after 9 a.m. Views rise high again in the evenings, the company said in its l atest analysis of iPad viewing, conducted across 100 million monthly unique viewers.

Specifically, Ooyala found that one-third of video viewing on the iPad occurs between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. It makes sense that consumers would use their tablets when they get home from the office. But the findings also reveal how we’re using them. “We can infer that these are personal devices, and attribute some of the spike to after-work downtime hours. But given that this window overlaps with prime-time programming, the numbers suggest a growing trend of people using tablets, as a social-media companion or for multi-tasking, while they're watching TV,” said Adam Sewall, Ooyala’s marketing manager.



These findings also underscore some of the assumptions that have been made about tablets: they’re often more engaging than other screens. Ooyala’s analysis has shown that tablet viewers are 45% more likely to complete watching a video longer than 10 minutes than desktop viewers are.

Sewall offered some takeaways for publishers. “Networks, online media companies and other content providers can use these kinds of insights to create more-engaging viewing experiences, with an end goal of growing audience share and earning more revenue per view. Brands, meanwhile, can use this information to target tablet messages for increased visibility based on time of day,” he said. “People watching iPad videos in the evenings are probably at home, and may be more receptive to messages about domestic needs, food and family. The findings also signal an opportunity for cross-platform marketers to leverage advertising across devices (e.g., TV & iPad) to increase brand awareness and elicit greater engagement and response to campaigns.”

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