Entertainment marketing is the only business where every product is an event and every product is its own brand. Take a look at the top 10 movies right now. You’ll see 10 different brands with their own budgets, imaging and value propositions. The only thing wrong with that picture is that entertainment marketers are relying too much on TV and display advertising and not enough on innovative approaches to reach their audiences.
While TV and display are attractive to marketers to generate immediate reach, there is increasing evidence that the impact of these advertising media is on the decline. Why? Consumers aren’t seeing the ads. Brand marketers are demanding that content sites fix the view-ability problem. Some companies have reported that more than 60% of all display ads are not viewed or are only in view for less than a second online. TV has an attention-deficit problem --more than 84% of people are doing something else while watching it. While entertainment marketers have done a great job of getting trailers online and in long-form commercials, it takes great skill to ensure you are on the right programs or sites at the right time to make sure your message is getting through.
The solution lies in mobile and a cross-screen advertising strategy. Mobile devices are finally reaching mass-market penetration, and there is growing evidence around the effectiveness of mobile video advertising. Since mobile is a lean-forward experience, you have a captive audience who can not only consume your message but can also engage for longer periods of time. That’s key for entertainment brands looking to drive both awareness and engagement, ultimately resulting in demand and word-of-mouth. Click-through rates on mobile are typically five to ten times higher than online and sometimes even higher. Additionally, ads are served one at a time, automatically solving clutter issues. Mobile is the ad effectiveness platform.
Mobile is part of a cross-screen strategy, which has been proven in several studies to provide brand lift, including entertainment brands. It holds the promise of treating the individual entertainment brand like it’s special. You wouldn’t put a trailer for “The Hobbit” in a tiny exchange-based display ad. But you would put a video clip on the home page of a major web portal. Entertainment marketers want to “own” popular consumer destinations and use video to drive demand in these destinations. What’s great is they do that now with mobile as well, increasing reach, frequency and value of the ad campaign. That’s what a cross-screen strategy does. It integrates video across screens and reaches more consumers and can effectively maximize consumer demand for your entertainment brand.
Cross-screen strategies are necessary for entertainment marketing success. Within that, however, there are a lot of choices and approaches to how a campaign is executed. I believe there are four critical factors to consider for cross-screen success:
Video and cross-screen strategies solve a lot of marketing problems and create a lot of opportunities. You wouldn’t trust your expensive and unique brand to anything less.