TV-video technology is everywhere and growing. Yet older U.S. TV viewers remain more traditionally plugged in versus younger media users.
Nielsen says boomers -- those born between 1946 and
1964 -- use desktop computers, landline phones and traditional TV more than millennials -- those consumers between 19 and 36. For example, boomers spent 174 hours per month watching TV, versus
millennials’ 107 hours per month of traditional TV viewing.
Other differences: boomers are the dominant audience in 16 of the top 25 shows. But Nielsen says the top show for boomers
isn’t even in the top 30 for millennials.
Millennials continue to be big in driving new technology. Three-quarters of Millennials own a smartphone, 73% own a laptop and 68% own a game
For advertisers, however, income levels may yield different factors.
Boomers control 70% of disposable U.S income, while millennials have less to spend on disposable
products/services. Some of their big expenses include hefty student loans, which averaged $26,600 in 2011.
In addition, boomers account for 50% of all consumer packaged goods sales;
77% of prescription drug sales; 80% of leisure travel spending; and 41% of all new car purchases.
Nielsen NeuroFocus research says there major differences between younger and older media
users. Younger brains yield better attention when it comes to engagement and memorability. Rich media is a big contributor.
Boomers respond to less vivid video -- preferring contrast to
color for online ads, while millennials respond better to an intense color palette.
Someone could write a song...
"Where have all the good advertisers gone..
Gone to 18 to 49's everyone...
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn"