
Top SEM Campaign Management Tools Reviewed, Via Haikus

It’s often difficult to differentiate SEM ad technology. I could write or edit massive reports on the topic (and I have!).

But not today. Today, I’ll try to limit my analysis to exactly 17 syllables per company. Why? Well, partly because I thought it’d be fun, but on a more serious note, I thought that a constraining writing style like a haiku would force me to distill the differences between SEM tools down to their essence. Once you’re finished reading, I encourage you to comment with your own versions in the comment section below.

From the Great White North

slick design and reporting

loved by agencies.


Once was eFrontier

Adobe Marketing Suite

means one-stop tech shop.


Direct from the source

“good enough” and much cheaper

Google – friend or foe?


Under the radar

search, display, attribution,

social, all-in-one.


Data, data, da …

love business intelligence?

this might be for you.


Israeli tech pros

big with eComm and travel

search, social, local.


You won’t get fired

800-pound gorilla

robust and global.

Heuristic algos

customized bid strategies

lots of tech to use.

2 comments about "Top SEM Campaign Management Tools Reviewed, Via Haikus".
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  1. Aaron Goldman from Mediaocean, May 12, 2014 at 12:41 p.m.

    3Q Digital

    D-Rod and his team
    #supercharge your marketing
    and great billboard ads.

  2. David Rodnitzky from 3Q Digital, May 12, 2014 at 1 p.m.

    You are a gentleman and a scholar Aaron!

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