TV (IPTV) continues to climb at a steady rate globally -- nearly 5% in the first quarter of 2013 -- in line with overall pay TV growth platforms.
New TV subscriptions amounted to 4.6
million -- now totaling 100 million TV subscribers as of the first quarter of 2014, according to U.K. broadband research company Point Topic. This is 4.8% higher than the first quarter of 2013.
East Asia territories remain the biggest gainers globally -- adding some 2.6 million subscribers, for a 5.7% growth rate. Eastern Europe posted the biggest growth on a percentage basis --
11.6%, or 630,000 subscribers.
China continues to be the biggest individual country for IPTV -- at 32.7 million subscribers. This is followed by France at 14.8 million; the U.S. with 12.3
million; South Korea at 9.1 million; Japan with 4.5 million; Russia at 3.6 million; and Germany with 2.7 million.
Other research shows that IPTV is growing at about the same rate as all
worldwide pay TV services -- up 5% in subscribers in 2013 over the year before.
ABI Research said in April of this year there were 901.1 million total pay TV subscribers -- representing
almost $250 billion in pay TV revenue. By 2019, the total number of pay TV subscribers will be 1.1 billion.
If the people who operate IPTV systems realize that because their costs are less - no wire infrastructure to support and no franchise fees to local systems - and charge less than cable companies, there's no reason to expect the number of people taking less expensive IPTV offerings to continue to climb.
Sorry, the above should read "there's no reason NOT to expect the number of people... to continue to climb."
Risa White, there nothing worse then low life spammers like you that posts garbage like that on good articles like this. I will make sure to black list that website.