
Ad Man's Tongue Gets Tied Trying To Enunciate 2015 Predictions

In perhaps the best buzzword-laden non-response to an industry-mate's predictions for 2015, R/GA London VP and managing Director Matt Lodder -- in response to Jam Managing Director Richard Costa's outlook -- said: "The shift in the creative leadership is less about a changing of the guard in adland and more about wider seismic cultural and economic change. Leading brands are ripping up the procurement rulebook because they need agencies that combine the best of both traditional and digital. This isn’t a procurement thing. It’s a matter of survival predicated by the complex demands of the connected age."

Excuse me while I barf. Okay, now we can continue...

"They need agencies that can scale to collaborate across their entire business to connect product, service and communications. This will enable them to deliver contextually and culturally relevant experiences that will transform both brand love and bottom line."

Say what?



1 comment about "Ad Man's Tongue Gets Tied Trying To Enunciate 2015 Predictions".
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  1. Jonathan Hutter from Northern Light Health, January 13, 2015 at 9:09 a.m.

    It always sounds better with a British accent.

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