
Scaling Content Marketing: How Columbia Tackles The Challenge

Columbia Sportswear’s Scott Trepanier gave a behind the scenes look at how the company targets, distributes and optimizes their branded content at scale for maximum reach and consumer engagement. 

The company’s headquarters is located in Portand, Oregon (home of the naked bike ride) which is quirky and has influenced the brand’s marketing approach, says Trepanier, senior manager of PR, promotions and social media.

To provide real ROI, content marketing needs to be scalable. New technology is helping brands to deliver on the dream of "right content, right person, right time, right place."

“Last year, the mission was to produce a ton of content and see what performs,” he says. “We’ve got to get it out there in a variety of places.”

The company created 80 “how-to” videos in 30 days and used longtail distribution (YouTube SEO).

“If you Google ‘how-to videos’ you get a lot of horrible videos,” he says. “We thought we could do better.”

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