In the first quarter of the year, Facebook accounted for roughly two-thirds (64%) of all logins that rely on social media profiles for authentication, up 3% from the fourth quarter of 2014. That compares to 21% for Google+, the next most popular social authentication platform, down 1% from the fourth quarter of last year. Even further down the totem poll, Twitter was used for only 6% of social logins, unchanged from before, and Yahoo was used for just 5% of logins, down 1% from the fourth quarter.
Facebook has been steadily increasing its lead over the last six quarters, while its competitors have been steadily declining or holding steady. Its lead is even more pronounced in mobile, where it accounts for 76% of all social logins, compared to 16% for Google+ and 7% for Twitter. However it’s worth noting that Facebook's figure is down 1% from the fourth quarter.
In terms of categories, Google's biggest leads were in social logins for ecommerce, at 72%, education and non-profit, at 71%, consumer brands, at 70%, and media and publishing, at 60%.
Gigya noted that this quarter marks the first time Twitter received more social logins than Yahoo. That’s not the only place where Twitter is passing Yahoo: in a forecast released last month eMarketer predicted that Twitter’s display revenues will pass Yahoo’s this year, and continue pulling ahead in the second half of the decade.
According to eMarketer, Twitter's display revenues will grow from $1.34 billion this year to $2.54 billion in 2017, for a 6.8% share. Meanwhile, Yahoo’s display ad revenues will edge up from $1.24 billion this year to $1.29 billion in 2017.
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