
Why Wyndham Removes The 'E' From Ecommerce

What does it mean to marry all channels with data? Remove the "E" from ecommerce to build a unified experience, according to Amy Labroo, senior director of innovation, IT, Wyndham. The industry realizes it has outgrown the funnel because it doesn't take into account many of the channels marketers use today such as the post purchase experience.

During Labroo's keynote Friday at the MediaPost Search Insider Summit, she said the reason why people conduct a search should depend on how campaigns are optimized. Google uses about 57 signals, Labroo. She said respond to clear the signals like "I want, I need, I'm interested."

It becomes more personal. All about the user. Our personality will soon become part of the digital assistant. Keywords will take another step back. Voice search will make keywords irrelevant. Bypassing the need for keywords means search engines will serve up a different type of response, more suited to the user's personality. 

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