TV Everywhere Apps Soar

Although usage by people using TV Everywhere apps has doubled in a year, those signing on to be new users are growing at much slower rates.

Adobe Digital says TV Everywhere apps -- digital apps from TV networks/providers that are part of regular pay TV subscription packages -- climbed 102% in September 2015 versus September 2014.

But new users of TV Everywhere have only inched up 8% in that period.

Adobe Digital says that in the third quarter, TV Everywhere had a 13.6% share of monthly pay TV viewers -- up slightly from the 12.8% share in the second quarter -- and a 13.2% share in the first quarter of 2015. A year ago in the third quarter, the share was at 12.6%.

The study says that 23% of all TV Everywhere authentications now take place on a connected TV device, representing 130% gain over a year ago.

This means a 13% share for Apple TV devices; 7% for Roku; and 3% of TV for other TV connected devices, such as gaming consoles, the Amazon Fire TV and Smart TVs.

Much of the current TV Everywhere usage growth is coming from teens programming and movies.

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