Algorithms, the cloud, the internet of things, and data — a combination referred to as ACID — are changing the face of computing, according to Microsoft corporate VP Joseph Sirosh at the Microsoft Ignite conference in Atlanta. "Sirosh showed numerous ACID offerings from both Microsoft and other firms during a session titled The Unreasonable Effectiveness of ACID.' That title seemed to be a double pun: on the book 'The Unreasonable Lightness of Being' and on the acronym 'ACID.' The acronym for some 30 years has referred to one of the fundamental principles of relational databases, a longtime IT tool. It stands for 'atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability,' the four theoretical properties of database transactions. Now relational databases, though still important, are being challenged to some extent by so-called NoSQL databases, more modern products that store data in looser form and don’t require the rigorous set-up and querying procedure of relational databases," according to a report on GeekWire.