Not that we need yet another media property to clog up our Facebook feeds but that's not stopping Huge which just launched Magenta , a publication which will focus on design, technology and people. The launch comes after Huge realized they weren't finding the kind of stories they wanted to read. So they are now creating their own stories.
According to the agency, Magenta is a home for the stories the agency wanted to read, but couldn't find anywhere else: stories about the people behind the work they, and presumably us, are obsessed with and stories about the ways in which design and technology affect the lives of real people.
Upcoming articles will include:
Writer John DeVore tells us about the time he fell in love with a Tinder bot.
New Yorker cover maven Maira Kalman walks us through her day.
Huge's Belinda Lanks spotlights What3Words, a startup that could change maps forever.
Huge's Michael Horn goes deep on why humans want AI to fail.
Pentagram's Natasha Jen details Issey Miyake's perfect pleats.
So will you read Huge's new publication? Hey, it's a whole lot better than reading all that bullsh*t agencies publish about their vision and mission and they are awesome at everything, right?