We have to assume Donald Trump is saying “big league,” though every time he says it, it really sounds like “bigly.”
According to a Google Trends report, the second top trending search term during last night’s debate in Las Vegas was “bigly.” The third most common fact-check question concerning Donald Trump’s statements was: “Is bigly a word?”
The search interest at the conclusion of the debate was dominated by Trump, with 70% of the searches, compared to Clinton’s 30%. In the final minutes of the debate, searches for early voting spiked 330%.
The moment of the debate with the highest search interest was when Clinton told debate viewers to “Google” Trump’s stance on Iraq.
“Donald Trump Iraq” took the top spot in trending searches during the debate, followed by Bigly, Aleppo, 2nd Amendment and NAFTA.
Top fact-check questions about what Hillary Clinton said were: 1) What is Roe vs Wade? 2) What happened at the Clinton Foundation? 3) What did Hillary Clinton delete? 4) Where do I find Clinton’s tax returns? 5) What is Clinton’s position on the Second Amendment?
When tracking top fact-check questions on what Donald Trump said, Google Trends reported: 1) Did Donald Trump support the invasion of Iraq? 2) What did Justice Ginsburg say about Trump? 3) Is bigly a word? 4) Did Trump say “such a nasty woman”? 5) How many people did Obama deport?