NEW! Guns Don't Kill People, Toddlers Do, Says The Brady Campaign

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence launched an eye-opening PSA that brings attention to one of the country's national security threats: toddlers. Last year, toddlers killed more Americans than foreign terror groups. A 60-second ad created by McCann NY shows pictures of small children holding hand guns, some with their eyes blurred out while actual newscasts are played, describing horrible deaths at the hands of a toddler getting hold of an unsecured handgun.

One woman was killed by her 3-year-old and a toddler killed his 9-year-old sister, for example. The ad takes a satirical tone by saying that the kids, not the guns, need to be locked up, because locking up guns would be un-American. The Brady Campaign is using the PSA to encourage Americans to vote for leaders who support commonsense gun reform.



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