As president of CP+B West, Danielle joins Vinicius Reis, who oversees CP+B Miami and CP+B Brazil; Richard Pinder, who oversees CP+B Europe; and Bamboo Yee, who oversees CP+B Beijing.
Aldrich reports to Lori Senecal, Global CEO.
In 2014, after 12 years of leading accounts at the agency, Aldrich was named managing director of CP+B Boulder. Under her leadership, the office won new business, including American Airlines and Hershey's.
"Each of our 10 offices are led by entrepreneurs who are passionate about building CP+B, in their markets around the world. We have found that by elevating regional leaders, we can better share resources seamlessly across offices in each region, to bring more top strategic and creative talent to our client partners," said Senecal.