Trump Campaign Exploits Citizenship Question In Email

The Trump campaign has sent an email blast, lauding the Department of Commerce’s decision to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. 

The subject line says: “GOOD NEWS: We are asking about citizenship,” according to media reports.

The fund-raising email asks supporters to sign a petition supporting the President’s decision, and includes a link for doing so.

Blogger Frank Sharry of America’s Voice charges that the Trump campaign is “seeking to stoke its base and raise money over the decision to add the citizenship question.”

The email opens: “Friend,

“The people spoke.”

The body copy states: “President Trump has officially mandated that the 2020 United States Census ask people living in America whether or not they are citizens,” adding that “the sanctuary state of California is now SUING the Trump Administration to stop this commonsense order.”

The email closes with: “It’s time to fight back. It’s time to once again reclaim our voice in America.”


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