Bing Shopping Ads Add Multiple Images, Product Status Reporting

Bing Shopping ads now allow marketers to include multiple image URLs in their product feeds to show a product from different angles. The images will begin to serve up in Bing Product Ads by the end of April.

The news was announced Tuesday in a blog post outlining the details. Marketers can now add up to 10 image URLs, in addition to the single image associated with the product ad offer. Images must be bmp, gif, exif, jpg, png or tiff, and the size of the image cannot exceed 3.9MB.

to facilitate monitoring of product offer status in BMC, Bing said it is now providing product rejection emails in Bing Merchant Center (BMC). The feature is intended to help marketers “stay on top of product offer issues and quickly fix them.” BMC will notify marketers of product rejections in addition to expiring products in the store.

The product status reporting -- another new feature -- now offers four new columns in the Product Groups reporting grid in the Bing Ads user interface. The goal is to help marketers resolve delivery issues as well as product group structures. The four columns include Product Submitted, Products Ready to Serve, Products Targeted, and % Product Targeted.

The Products Submitted column, for example, shows the number of products uploaded to Bing Merchant Center. Of those, the Products Ready to Serve column shows how many were processed error-free and eligible for bidding.

By setting up a Bing Merchant Center account, businesses that have implemented Bing Ads’ Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags on their sites can use the tag to verify domains.

“If you’ve tagged your website with UET tags, these domains will show up in BMC when you go through the store creation workflow,” wrote Neha Mohan, product manager for Bing Shopping at Microsoft; and Varsha Bolar, product manager for Bing Ads at Microsoft.

The two explain that marketers must select the Validated via UET tag option for domain validation, pick the store domain in the destination URL field, and the follow through with the store creation.

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