
Identifying Travel Patterns Improves Ad Targeting For Other Categories

If you market to travelers, which many marketers do, considering lifestyles shouldn't be an option. Travel plans can tell marketers a lot about a consumer’s lifestyle and buying habits such as the type of climate they prefer, annual amount they will spend on non-discretionary items, and preferences for either low-dollar or high-dollar brands.

Many using travel audience data have increased their use of programmatic media to reach consumers.

In fact half of travel brands now buy ads through programmatic channels to reach consumers across a variety of markets. Ad spend through this service is estimated to reach $8.2 billion by 2020, according to Eyeota, which aggregates data on about 4 billion unique profiles worldwide.

Eyeota’s recent study, "Eye On: Travel" analyzes Eyeota data expenditures from more than 427 brands that target travel audiences across more than 2,300 campaigns in about 50 countries. Campaigns are split into four sub-categories: Family, Budget, Business, and Luxury.



For family travelers, which have become the most-desired audience segment, convenience is a top factor influencing their purchase. Some 49% look to explore new places and 42% want to relax and unwind, and they are also ethical and price-driven. Most go to theme or nature parks looking for entertainment, food and sports to spend time with family and friends.

This segment responds to television advertisements, celebrities and movies that have to do with family, lifestyle and parenting. They are 41% more likely than average to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and tend to book travel plans within three months of departure.

Budget travelers are 77% more likely than average to consider personal recommendations when planning a holiday trip. They plan vacations around deals, tend to pick a beach or exotic destination, and consider family, food, music, blogs and social media top interests.

Luxury travelers are 40% more likely to be driven by ethics. They are loyal. Mountain and ski resorts, along with anything related to nature and breach are their top destinations. They show a high interest in news, culture and arts, and fashion and style.

With lifestyle data in hand, marketers can target specific groups. For example, consumer product goods retailers can target family travel planners with outdoor and summer products like mosquito repellent or sunscreen, based on their interests in going to attractions, theme or nature parks.

Ecommece sites can target budget travelers with sales discounts and deals. Music festival organizers can target luxury travelers based on their interest in culture and arts.

In other interesting stats, top travel holidays in the U.S. are Independence Day, with consumers spending about $3.68 billion during this period; Memorial Day, $2.93 billion; and Labor Day weekend, $2.8 billion, according to 2017 data from Adobe Digital Insights.



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