Avocet Adds 2 Metrics To Its Programmatic Platform

Avocet is adding two new metrics to its programmatic ad platform designed to give clients a better read on what their ad buys have accomplished. 

The so-called “View duration” metric is designed to target and measure consumer attention via in-view time. “We've been measuring the amount of time each ad is visible for the past four years,” says Ezra Pierce, cofounder, Avocet, who recently moved to New York City to open the European-based platform's first U.S. operations.

“We've used that data set to build a prediction model for view-duration. Basically, the bid request comes in, we make the prediction of the view-duration, and based on that, it's either targeted or not depending on the view-duration targeted.”

The new “incrementality” metric will measure the percentage of conversations that result directly from programmatic marketing. This is pioneered by Avocet’s "Ghost Impression" technology, which allows media buyers to measure incrementally without having to pay to advertise a control group of users in testing.

The set-up is essentially the same process the industry has used for years in test and control scenarios, but Avocet’s made it free and scalable via auction simulation.

Avocet began preparing these new measurement techniques two years ago in preparation for the EU's new privacy regulations, which kicked in earlier this year.





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