5G Download Speeds Found 800% Faster Than LTE

Verizon customers with 5G mobile devices are seeing more than eight times improvement in download speeds, according to new Speeedtest data from Ookla.

Tests on Sprint’s 5G connections showed download speeds nearly three times faster compared to download speeds on its LTE network.

Ookla tested 5G speeds of Verizon and Sprint in markets that have the Samsung and Galaxy phones, which both use Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X50 modem. The objective was to determine how much faster 5G is than LTE in specific cities, according to a blog post by Ookla.

Data was analyzed from Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis and Providence.

Results varied by city. For example, Speedtest data in Dever showed 5G speed improvement of 820%, Atlanta 202% and Minneapolis 918%.

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