Q: What did you learn at MediaPost's last European Summit?
A: Testing is key. Why do marketers test landing pages but not emails? Just do the same for your campaigns. The results can be applied to your landing page as well, most of the time. When testing, always have a hypothesis, an assumption for a result and a way to decide the significance. Test the same hypothesis on several campaigns. Testing is still one of the most cost effective ways for incremental uplift to your campaigns
If you have a subjective opinion for a test hypothesis and the results show differently, it's still okay. Don't be scared of the result, because if anything, you made an educated guess and if the result is different, it only shows that it was worth testing it!
The best thing in testing is to put on the consumer hat and test!
Q:Which marketing challenges keep you up at night?
A: It's still a challenge finding the right message to the right audience. What to tell completely new customers might seem more obvious than customers who are already with you in years. Also in terms of a big cross-channel-campaign. How do you phrase a super-catchy campaign message that appeals both to people who already bought from you, as well as to completely new customers? How to you tell stories to different personas in very short words?
Q:What new tactics do you expect to try next year?
A: Definitely automation.